Servicing ANWB members during their day to day travels, on day trips or when they go on vacation. From dreaming to coming back home.

The challenge

ANWB, a trusted organization in mobility and assistance services, came to us with a strategic challenge. Their in-house team needed our help to get a clear view of an internal issue they were facing. Each department within ANWB had its own team, strategies, communication, and content—essentially working in silos.

They asked us to help these departments work better together to offer their users a more seamless experience. With the powerful tools they already had, our job was simply to connect the dots.

The strategy

Alongside three other designers from DEPT, we introduced ANWB to journey-driven design thinking. We identified three key themes to better serve ANWB users: inspire, inform, and service. I created several experience maps for scenarios like "finding a campsite for my next destination" and "Everything I need to know as a car owner." Each experience map kicked off a cycle of co-creation with the ANWB in-house team, guiding us from identifying the most critical user pain points to ideation sessions, and ultimately to developing concepts and designs.

Here is an example of a complete page for car owners where you can see the elements “inspire, inform and service” implemented.