Univé innovation team

For 3+ years I have worked together with the Univé Innovation team to create innovative pilots which service Univé members beyond insurances.

My role and contribution

I’ve have worked for the Univé Innovation team for 3+ years. In that time we have worked on and launched a couple of pilot projects, like:

  • Private Lease met Univé: giving used company lease cars a second life through private lease.

  • VvE Hulp: helping home owners without an active homeowners association to get started.

  • Pet insurance

  • Ondernemen zonder zorgen: providing farmers with a customisable insurance rather than a classic one that meets the needs and risks of their business.


During the development of the pilots, it’s my role to challenge the client. Together with Univé, I look for opportunities, hot topics, and ways to go beyond insurances only. Univé highly values my expertise from a user and business perspective. I organize and facilitate workshops regularly.


User research is a big part of all the innovation projects. For each project, we do user research such as interviews, surveys, or focus groups. Once we are in the design process Usability Testing is as well a big part. We do this either the classic way, one-on-one, or we use online tools like Usability Hub. We even try landing page testing before finishing the actual product.

Design & build

Of course, bringing the projects to life is a big part too. We don’t work with classic black and white wireframes. Instead, we re-use components from the design system to easily build landing pages and flows. With the innovation project, we don’t want to spend weeks on developing our idea. Going into beta as fast as we can is the goal, that’s how we can learn and improve.