Dept Campus

The Dept Campus platform is the embodiment of the Youth Acadamy of Dept “Dept Campus”, where we help students and young talents grow their skills and kick-off their careers.

At Dept I was responsible for the Dept Design Campus. In this role, I looked for and hired the right talent for our design team, organize community events, build partnerships with universities and make sure our talents follow a growth path to become junior in our team. Curious? Check it here.

The platform

The Dept Campus initially started as an internal training program for our interns. We wanted to create the best learning environment for students possible. After a couple of years, we mastered this and thought it was time to focus externally as well. That’s when we decided to create the Dept Campus 3D world. A platform where students can learn all about what our Campus is, stay up to date about events we organize, or read stories about our Depsters.

The goal

The goal of this platform really is to build a community for students where they can get in touch with the industry as early as possible. The earlier they get to experience what the world out there looks like the better. It will help them in setting direction to their growth path.

Concept & UX

I pitched the concept to our management team because I believed we needed a virtual space to show what we have to offer to students. It did not take much before they were convinced and we started designing and building the platform. I was responsible for the vision and first UX sketches of the platform. Once that was done I handed it over to my colleagues to make the design development ready. I overlooked the entire process and was responsible for the overall quality and content.

Maintain & Grow

My role for the Campus goes beyond hiring interns. I’m actively working on building partnerships with student organizations, event organizers, and universities. For example, I recently launched the Dept Campus Partnership program where universities can pick a variety of activities they would like to do with us.