
Nobody get’s really excited about energy right? I mean come on. Most people just look for the cheapest option or where they get the most cashback. But what if your energy supplier make sure that all of your service flows work as smooth as possible

That’s where I come in. I have worked in the Eneco service team where I was responsible for improving service flows such as submitting meter readings and the log-in flow.

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Meter Readings


In the previous meter reading flows the drop-out percentage was around 14%. Which resulted in people not being able to continue their flow and reach out to the call center. Our goal was to lower this percentage to 7%. Together with another UX colleague, we started analyzing the flows, collecting user feedback, and sketching new flows to improve.


One of the problems users were facing was they did could not find their reference number (opnamekenmerk) or typed it in wrongly. So we made it possible on mobile to take a picture of it or continue using their e-mail address.

Besides that people often mistake which number needs to be put in which field. We decided to make a step-by-step flow where we ask one meter reading at a time with clear explanations. Also, there are many different types of meters that have different ways of finding the right numbers. So we at least helped users identify their meter by using clear images and explanations where to find the right information.

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Log-in flow


The majority of users don’t log-in to their Eneco profile regularly. It’s mostly a yearly thing. So users were really struggling with logging in because they either forgot they had an account or forgot their credentials.


To make this process run more smoothly we made a couple of improvements. First of all we only ask for an e-mail address. That way we can very if a user has an existing account or not. Then depending on that information we either show a password field or registration form.

Another conceptual solution was to log in via the app with a QR code. Since the Eneco app is something that users use on a more frequent basis and in general are already logged in, this would have been a very user-friendly solution. However that time it was too challenging to implement.